CIG Mission Support
It is a joy to receive reports from people on the mission field, where they update us on what’s happening in their part of the world, and how our support is helping them to fulfill their God-given mission. Ten percent of what CIG receives in donations goes out to support these missionaries.
Please pray for them and sign up for their newsletters to hear of their work. Through our faithful giving and prayers, they are blessed and can be a blessing to many.
Open Doors
Herzwerk – Vienna, Austria
FCGÖ Missionaries
AMPuls – Association for Development Cooperation and Social Services
Hope for the Future , Vienna, Austria
Al & Billie Nucciarone , Jerusalem, Israel
Andreas & Sabine Kallauch – KAVOD , Vienna, Austria
Miia & Lucas Da Silvia, Dublin, Irland
Miia: TWR Women of Hope;
Lucas: TWR (Europe) ;
Sam & Theresa Haiser – Vienna, Austria
Nathan & Insa Brewer – Vienna, Austria
Brian & Pearl Williams, Vienna, Austria
**International Baptist Church of Vienna
**International Chapel of Vienna